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Charity activities are taken place around the world.
₵ 18,000.00 Goal
₵ 0 Raised

Educational Support

₵ 0 of ₵ 18,000 raised

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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00

Support For Local Schools

FAF and our volunteers are supporting local schools in many ways.
Some of our volunteers are qualified teachers and are actively helping teach in our sister school (First Age Educational Complex). Other volunteers are alsoworking as teaching assistants.
For public schools government is providing basic equipment. However, it is not always sufficient. Some of the kids also don’t have basic school materials, which should be provided by their parents.
FAF helps with providing school materials for kids and sometimes buying school equipment for children in First Age Educational Complex and other Schools in the
Ashanti Region.
Some items we donate:
  • Reading books for the school library,
  • Coloring books and crayons for kindergarten classes,
  • Teaching materials
  • etc.
We already bought some furniture for kindergarten: Tables and Chairs for little kids, sleeping mats etc.
There is still a need to provide more teaching materials, especially for the Junior High level at schools.

Financial Support

₵ 6,800.00 Raised
₵ 18,000.00 Goal

Health Support

₵ 6,800.00 Raised
₵ 18,000.00 Goal